Empowering our members to bring brighter futures to those with brain injuries.
The MBIPC Mission and Guidelines
Since 1987 the Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council, a 501 (c)(6) trade association has served providers in professions related to brain injury rehabilitation. The Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council’s purpose is to enhance the ability of its members to provide high quality, ethical rehabilitation, health care, and related services to people with a brain injury. This is accomplished through resource sharing and information exchange, professional development and education, promotions of beneficial legislation, advocacy for brain injury services, and support of the Brain Injury Association of Michigan.
Read Updates and Industry News
MBIPC is committed to increasing member’s knowledge on emerging industry issues and trends. MBIPC advocates through the legislative process, as well as through public education and issue awareness campaigns.
See Upcoming Events
We are committed to increasing members knowledge on emerging industry issues and providing cutting-edge educational opportunities through a monthly learning series offering virtual and in-person options. The learning series is designed to assist the trade association’s members in staying up to date with issues pertaining to the business of providing services to persons with brain injury, ethical standards and other emerging, industry related topics.
View The Membership Directory
Members of the MBIPC are organizations or individual professionals that provide direct products and services to people with brain injuries and/or their families, including but not limited to: hospitals, acute and post acute programs, case management agencies, outpatient clinics, home care agencies, private practitioners, legal representatives, advocates and transportation providers.